•Sabtu, November 20, 2010
in Wisma Yacitra, and a number of Retreat Houses, Conference Facilities and Lodges in Yogyakarta and its Adjacencies. TRANSPORTATION: can be picked up in stations upon arrangement.
Theory = 40 percent and Practices/Exercises/ Case Studies 60 percent of total time allocation. Daily Investment = in average 8 working hours. Except for Social English Course, all are given in Bahasa Indonesia.
Subscription is directed to the Program Secretary, and at least one month before the courses and trainings are conducted.
in Wisma Yacitra, and a number of Retreat Houses, Conference Facilities and Lodges in Yogyakarta and its Adjacencies. TRANSPORTATION: can be picked up in stations upon arrangement.
Theory = 40 percent and Practices/Exercises/ Case Studies 60 percent of total time allocation. Daily Investment = in average 8 working hours. Except for Social English Course, all are given in Bahasa Indonesia.
Subscription is directed to the Program Secretary, and at least one month before the courses and trainings are conducted.
DR. Francis Wahono (Political and Agricultural Economics, Liberation Theology and Education, PRA/ CO-PA Research, Puppet Master, Social Movement, NGO organisation and management, and Credit Union) as Managing Director, DR. I. Wibowo, S.J. (Political Science), DR. B. Herry-Priyono, S.J. (Political Econimics and Social Movement), Paulus Dwiyaminarta, S.H. CSsR (Lawyer and Taxation Consultant), DR. JB. Banawiratma (Social Theology and Interfaith), Prof. Dr. Martino Sardi, OFMcap (Human Rights), Dra. Maria Hartiningsih (Social Communication and Journalist), Dwi Astuti (Women Empowerment, Social Movement, NGO organisation and management), DR. Bagus Wismanto (Organisational and Education Psychology and Leadership), drg. Th. Puspitawati, M.Kes (Public Health, Reproduction Health and Women Empowerment), Marsen Sinaga (NGO organisation and management), Sahat Lumbanraja (Labour Movement), Agnes Wiwik Wigati, M.Pd (Child Education), Singo Sumantri (Social Movement and Intreprise), F.X. Suwarta MP (Animal husbandry, Public Speaking, and Credit Union), Sudarwanto, Spd (C.U. Management and Accounting), YFM. Gien Agustinawansari, MM (Non-Profit Accounting and Auditing, Taxation Consultant), Guido Suko Purwanto, SPhil (Social Communication and People Journalism, and Video Film Maker), Swasono (Book Layout, Animation and Caricatur Drawing), Agnes Mawarni (Social Economic Research and Documentation), Drajad (Leadership and Agriculural Science), Salmah Dwi Prapti (Natural Farming and Herbalist), Sudarno (Peasant Movement and Credit Union), Andreas Suhana, SP, CSsR (Eco-Social Retreat and Holistic Spirituality), DR. Matheus Mali, CSsR (Eco-Social Retreat and Moral Theology). Laura Evanjeli (Development Psychology and English for Social Activists), Hanny Wijaya (Conservation and Management of Nature, Credit Union, and English for Social Activists), and Nita Aritonang (Eco-Social Photography, Netting and English for Social Activists).
DR. Francis Wahono (Political and Agricultural Economics, Liberation Theology and Education, PRA/ CO-PA Research, Puppet Master, Social Movement, NGO organisation and management, and Credit Union) as Managing Director, DR. I. Wibowo, S.J. (Political Science), DR. B. Herry-Priyono, S.J. (Political Econimics and Social Movement), Paulus Dwiyaminarta, S.H. CSsR (Lawyer and Taxation Consultant), DR. JB. Banawiratma (Social Theology and Interfaith), Prof. Dr. Martino Sardi, OFMcap (Human Rights), Dra. Maria Hartiningsih (Social Communication and Journalist), Dwi Astuti (Women Empowerment, Social Movement, NGO organisation and management), DR. Bagus Wismanto (Organisational and Education Psychology and Leadership), drg. Th. Puspitawati, M.Kes (Public Health, Reproduction Health and Women Empowerment), Marsen Sinaga (NGO organisation and management), Sahat Lumbanraja (Labour Movement), Agnes Wiwik Wigati, M.Pd (Child Education), Singo Sumantri (Social Movement and Intreprise), F.X. Suwarta MP (Animal husbandry, Public Speaking, and Credit Union), Sudarwanto, Spd (C.U. Management and Accounting), YFM. Gien Agustinawansari, MM (Non-Profit Accounting and Auditing, Taxation Consultant), Guido Suko Purwanto, SPhil (Social Communication and People Journalism, and Video Film Maker), Swasono (Book Layout, Animation and Caricatur Drawing), Agnes Mawarni (Social Economic Research and Documentation), Drajad (Leadership and Agriculural Science), Salmah Dwi Prapti (Natural Farming and Herbalist), Sudarno (Peasant Movement and Credit Union), Andreas Suhana, SP, CSsR (Eco-Social Retreat and Holistic Spirituality), DR. Matheus Mali, CSsR (Eco-Social Retreat and Moral Theology). Laura Evanjeli (Development Psychology and English for Social Activists), Hanny Wijaya (Conservation and Management of Nature, Credit Union, and English for Social Activists), and Nita Aritonang (Eco-Social Photography, Netting and English for Social Activists).
Kedaulatan dan Keamanan Pangan: Studi Perbandingan Antara Pangan Tradisional Desa dan Pangan PabrikanKota [Food Sovereignty and Security: A Comparative Study between Rural Traditional Food and Urban Manufacuted Food] – being done by SEMAI in 2010; Perjuangan Hidup Pengemudi Becak: Pelarian dari Desa, Korban di Kota [The Life Struggle of the Becak Drivers: Rural Escapists, Urban Victims] – is going to be done by SEMAI in 2011.
Kedaulatan dan Keamanan Pangan: Studi Perbandingan Antara Pangan Tradisional Desa dan Pangan PabrikanKota [Food Sovereignty and Security: A Comparative Study between Rural Traditional Food and Urban Manufacuted Food] – being done by SEMAI in 2010; Perjuangan Hidup Pengemudi Becak: Pelarian dari Desa, Korban di Kota [The Life Struggle of the Becak Drivers: Rural Escapists, Urban Victims] – is going to be done by SEMAI in 2011.
(SEMAI Books –formely: Cindelaras Pustaka Rakyat Cerdas): Politik Ekonomi Pangan Rakyat [An Economic Politics of Popular Food] (ed. Francis Wahono), Keluarga Berencana dalam Ancaman Pasar [Family Planning in the Menace of Market] (Theresia Puspitawati), Ekonomi Kerakyatan Baru [Neo-Populist Economics] (Francis Wahono), Cinta dan Kesetiaan Keluarga dalam Belitan Pasar [Family Love and Faithfulness in Turbulent Market] (Bagus Wismanto), Dualisme Ekonomi Sosial: Kedaulatan Petani VS Negara Bisnis [Social Economic Dualism: Peasant Sovereignty VS Business like State] (Francis Wahono), Buku Pegangan Credit Union [Handbook of Credit Union] (Francis Wahono dkk), dan berbagai Buku Panduan Aksi dan Kerja Usaha Ekonomi Sosial [some Manual Books on Sosial Economic Entrepreneurship] (Working Team).
(SEMAI Books –formely: Cindelaras Pustaka Rakyat Cerdas): Politik Ekonomi Pangan Rakyat [An Economic Politics of Popular Food] (ed. Francis Wahono), Keluarga Berencana dalam Ancaman Pasar [Family Planning in the Menace of Market] (Theresia Puspitawati), Ekonomi Kerakyatan Baru [Neo-Populist Economics] (Francis Wahono), Cinta dan Kesetiaan Keluarga dalam Belitan Pasar [Family Love and Faithfulness in Turbulent Market] (Bagus Wismanto), Dualisme Ekonomi Sosial: Kedaulatan Petani VS Negara Bisnis [Social Economic Dualism: Peasant Sovereignty VS Business like State] (Francis Wahono), Buku Pegangan Credit Union [Handbook of Credit Union] (Francis Wahono dkk), dan berbagai Buku Panduan Aksi dan Kerja Usaha Ekonomi Sosial [some Manual Books on Sosial Economic Entrepreneurship] (Working Team).
All courses/ trainings are open for everyone, especially those persons involved in and planned to involve in social economic and intellectual works. Indeed there is a selection but that is only a way to determine whether the candidates needed some remedial course or special preparation. Though the formal education background was not a requirement for selection, however formal education of the Senior High-school or its non-formal equivalents is required. There is no limitation of minimum and maximum age, however, the lower age base is at least 18th year old, while the maximum age of the candidate at the most is 70th years old. We are promoter of gender equality, peaceful living or non-violence, pluralistic ethnic and religious backgrounds, thus we expect the candidates should embrace the same values.
All courses/ trainings are open for everyone, especially those persons involved in and planned to involve in social economic and intellectual works. Indeed there is a selection but that is only a way to determine whether the candidates needed some remedial course or special preparation. Though the formal education background was not a requirement for selection, however formal education of the Senior High-school or its non-formal equivalents is required. There is no limitation of minimum and maximum age, however, the lower age base is at least 18th year old, while the maximum age of the candidate at the most is 70th years old. We are promoter of gender equality, peaceful living or non-violence, pluralistic ethnic and religious backgrounds, thus we expect the candidates should embrace the same values.
Boarding, Lodging and Instructors’/ Facilitators’ Fee per Day is = Rp 200,000.00 (two hundred thousand rupiah), or per week (6 effective working days) is Rp 1,200,000.00 (one million and two hundred thousand rupiah). The down payment (DP) of the contribution is 25 percent of the total fee, and paid in advance.
Boarding, Lodging and Instructors’/ Facilitators’ Fee per Day is = Rp 200,000.00 (two hundred thousand rupiah), or per week (6 effective working days) is Rp 1,200,000.00 (one million and two hundred thousand rupiah). The down payment (DP) of the contribution is 25 percent of the total fee, and paid in advance.
SEMAI’s Education provides services through serial of courses and trainings.
Each course/ training is for one week or 6 effective working days; or, except for English course and Eco-Social Retreat, is for one month of each group of courses.
for Community Organizer (CO)
1.Social Economic Critical Theories: Introduction to the thinkings of Capitalism, Socialism, Populism and that of the Indonesian Founding Fathers’ / Mothers’.
2.Social Analysis, Theology of Liberation and the New Social Movement.
3.Critical and Humanistic Education for the Grownups and Children – Theories and Practices a la Paulo Freire, YB. Mangunwijaya, Pierre Babin, Ki Hadjar Dewantara, and Maria Montessori.
4.Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Community Organizing & Advocacy trough Participatory Action Research (COA-PAR).
for Field Worker (FW)
1.Conserving and Managing the Nature (Incl. Natural Farming): People Base Approach to Ecological Conservation and the Reduction of Global Warming.
2.Participatory Public Health, Primary Healthcare and Reproduction Health: Theories and Practices.
3.Women Empowerment and Equality: Theories and Practices
4.Peasant and Human Rights
for Office Manager (OM)
1.Managing NGO and Social Economic Movement: Setting up and Starting NGO/ Social Economic Institutions, Strategic Planning Monitoring Evaluation, Office Management, Field Working Organization, Fund and Trust Raising, Writing Proposal and Report, Networking Establishment and Volunteering Mobilization.
2.Leadership, Public Speaking, Networking and Netting Trainings
3.Non Profit Financial Management, Accounting and Auditing.
4.Mass Media and Social Publication (written and electronic) for Advocacy, Campaign, People Education, Fund and Trust Raising, and Concern intellectual Development.
Credit Union Facilitator (CU Facilitator)
1.Credit Union: Concept Theory and its Spirit, Strategic Planning to Setting up Credit Union, Credit Union Management and Accounting, Monitoring and Evaluation.
English Language and Bahasa Indonesia for Social Activists (ELSA and BISA)
1.English Language and Bahasa Indonesia for Social Intellectual Activists (one to 6 month intake).
Eco-Social Retreat (ESRE)
1.(Family or Individual) Eco-Social Retreat: Holistic Spirituality and Personal Growth for a High Thinking and Peaceful Living (5 days).
SEMAI’s Education provides services through serial of courses and trainings.
Each course/ training is for one week or 6 effective working days; or, except for English course and Eco-Social Retreat, is for one month of each group of courses.
for Community Organizer (CO)
1.Social Economic Critical Theories: Introduction to the thinkings of Capitalism, Socialism, Populism and that of the Indonesian Founding Fathers’ / Mothers’.
2.Social Analysis, Theology of Liberation and the New Social Movement.
3.Critical and Humanistic Education for the Grownups and Children – Theories and Practices a la Paulo Freire, YB. Mangunwijaya, Pierre Babin, Ki Hadjar Dewantara, and Maria Montessori.
4.Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Community Organizing & Advocacy trough Participatory Action Research (COA-PAR).
for Field Worker (FW)
1.Conserving and Managing the Nature (Incl. Natural Farming): People Base Approach to Ecological Conservation and the Reduction of Global Warming.
2.Participatory Public Health, Primary Healthcare and Reproduction Health: Theories and Practices.
3.Women Empowerment and Equality: Theories and Practices
4.Peasant and Human Rights
for Office Manager (OM)
1.Managing NGO and Social Economic Movement: Setting up and Starting NGO/ Social Economic Institutions, Strategic Planning Monitoring Evaluation, Office Management, Field Working Organization, Fund and Trust Raising, Writing Proposal and Report, Networking Establishment and Volunteering Mobilization.
2.Leadership, Public Speaking, Networking and Netting Trainings
3.Non Profit Financial Management, Accounting and Auditing.
4.Mass Media and Social Publication (written and electronic) for Advocacy, Campaign, People Education, Fund and Trust Raising, and Concern intellectual Development.
Credit Union Facilitator (CU Facilitator)
1.Credit Union: Concept Theory and its Spirit, Strategic Planning to Setting up Credit Union, Credit Union Management and Accounting, Monitoring and Evaluation.
English Language and Bahasa Indonesia for Social Activists (ELSA and BISA)
1.English Language and Bahasa Indonesia for Social Intellectual Activists (one to 6 month intake).
Eco-Social Retreat (ESRE)
1.(Family or Individual) Eco-Social Retreat: Holistic Spirituality and Personal Growth for a High Thinking and Peaceful Living (5 days).
Semai provides Services in term of Consultancy for all the Themes of the Courses and Trainings, especially in Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, on Management and Organization, and on Programs and Methodology. It has experienced in consultancy for the last ten years. For Consultancy, the Contact Person is DR. Francis Wahono and Ms. Laura Evanjeli, S.Psi or (could be done through SMS).
List of Customers:
# International Customers:
UNDP, CORDAID, EED, LWF-DMD, CARDI, Brot fur die Welt (BfdW), VECO-International, NOVIB, OXFAM- Hong Kong, OXFAM- Australia, MISEREOR, CWS, PLAN- International.
# National Customers:
Damar dan Gerakan Perempuan Lampung – Bandar Lampung, GEF/SGP - Jakarta, Lakspesdam-NU - Jombang, Pangingu Binua - Pontianak, Pancur Kasih – Pontianak, Dayakologi - Pontianak, Pelpem-GKPS – Pematang Siantar, Petrasa - Sindikalang, Perhimpunan Lentera Rakyat - Pelabuhan Batu, PSE Keuskupan-Keuskupan Kalimantan - Pontianak dan Banjarmasin, Bina Insani - Pematang Siantar, Yayasan Matepe - Makassar, Pelita Sejahtera - Medan, LDD-Jakarta, Yayasan Ate Keleng – Sukamakmur, YEU – Surakarta/ Jogyakarta, CD Bethesda – Jogyakarta, YBKS – Surakarta, Mitra Tani – Jogyakarta, PIKUL – Kupang, BP3R – Bogor/ Palangkaraya, SHMI – Jakarta, ECCD-RC – Jogyakarta.
Our Motto is: “Strong in Vision, Sharp in Mind, Hard in Work, and Good in Heart”. END
Semai provides Services in term of Consultancy for all the Themes of the Courses and Trainings, especially in Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, on Management and Organization, and on Programs and Methodology. It has experienced in consultancy for the last ten years. For Consultancy, the Contact Person is DR. Francis Wahono and Ms. Laura Evanjeli, S.Psi or (could be done through SMS).
List of Customers:
# International Customers:
UNDP, CORDAID, EED, LWF-DMD, CARDI, Brot fur die Welt (BfdW), VECO-International, NOVIB, OXFAM- Hong Kong, OXFAM- Australia, MISEREOR, CWS, PLAN- International.
# National Customers:
Damar dan Gerakan Perempuan Lampung – Bandar Lampung, GEF/SGP - Jakarta, Lakspesdam-NU - Jombang, Pangingu Binua - Pontianak, Pancur Kasih – Pontianak, Dayakologi - Pontianak, Pelpem-GKPS – Pematang Siantar, Petrasa - Sindikalang, Perhimpunan Lentera Rakyat - Pelabuhan Batu, PSE Keuskupan-Keuskupan Kalimantan - Pontianak dan Banjarmasin, Bina Insani - Pematang Siantar, Yayasan Matepe - Makassar, Pelita Sejahtera - Medan, LDD-Jakarta, Yayasan Ate Keleng – Sukamakmur, YEU – Surakarta/ Jogyakarta, CD Bethesda – Jogyakarta, YBKS – Surakarta, Mitra Tani – Jogyakarta, PIKUL – Kupang, BP3R – Bogor/ Palangkaraya, SHMI – Jakarta, ECCD-RC – Jogyakarta.
Our Motto is: “Strong in Vision, Sharp in Mind, Hard in Work, and Good in Heart”. END
SEMAI is an acronym of “Social Economic Movement and Management Institute” and is a Group of Senior Social Economic and Intellectual Activists who make themselves available to help and share experiences with NGOs, People Organizations, Social and CSR Institutions by providing services and incubators for social economic entrepreneurship initiatives through capacity building of their personnel and stakeholders, through education and training, research and publications, and consultancy.
Wisma Yacitra, Jln. Pangkur no. 19, Ganjuran-Manukan, Condongcatur, Depok, SLEMAN, 55283, D.I. JOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA,
TELEPHONE:. +62 274 889611
FACSIMILE: +62 274 889612
EMAIL: semai@gmail.com
WEBSITE: www.semai.org
Resource Institution Which is Capable and Reliable in Providing Services in Social Economic Movement and Management for Social Activists and Entrepreneurs.
To Provide Services in Conceptualizing, Theoretical and Analysis Backgrounding, Programming, Organizing, Managing and Promoting Social Economic Initiatives through Serial of Courses, Trainings, Research, Publication, and Consultancy.
Managing Director: DR. Francis Wahono
(HP: 08122710241; email: fwahono@gmail.com)
Program Secretary: Laurensia Aptik Evanjeli
(HP: 081901018281; email: laura.aptik@gmail.com)
SEMAI is an acronym of “Social Economic Movement and Management Institute” and is a Group of Senior Social Economic and Intellectual Activists who make themselves available to help and share experiences with NGOs, People Organizations, Social and CSR Institutions by providing services and incubators for social economic entrepreneurship initiatives through capacity building of their personnel and stakeholders, through education and training, research and publications, and consultancy.
Wisma Yacitra, Jln. Pangkur no. 19, Ganjuran-Manukan, Condongcatur, Depok, SLEMAN, 55283, D.I. JOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA,
TELEPHONE:. +62 274 889611
FACSIMILE: +62 274 889612
EMAIL: semai@gmail.com
WEBSITE: www.semai.org
Resource Institution Which is Capable and Reliable in Providing Services in Social Economic Movement and Management for Social Activists and Entrepreneurs.
To Provide Services in Conceptualizing, Theoretical and Analysis Backgrounding, Programming, Organizing, Managing and Promoting Social Economic Initiatives through Serial of Courses, Trainings, Research, Publication, and Consultancy.
Managing Director: DR. Francis Wahono
(HP: 08122710241; email: fwahono@gmail.com)
Program Secretary: Laurensia Aptik Evanjeli
(HP: 081901018281; email: laura.aptik@gmail.com)